Friday, August 5, 2011

Posing & Expression with Amber Chia

Posted: 04 Aug 2011 10:00 PM PDT

Throughout the whole Modeling Pro course at Amber Chia Academy, we met with a great deal of different instructors ranging from Ben the catwalk guru, to Kit Leu and Ethel, both experienced models, as well as Keith Kee the fashion designer. Finally, it was time for the principal, no other than Amber Chia herself, to impart some of her wisdom on us! Amber Chia was there for the 2.5-hour class to teach us how to pose and express ourselves facially on camera. When we think of her pose, the sexy and pouty lips look would immediately come to mind. The question is, will we be able to do that signature expression of hers? ;)

Amber Chia Academy Photography

Amber Chia giving us tips on facial expression and posing

Class started with doing some facial warm-ups to relax our muscles and neck before starting the poses. Due to limited time, we were taught only one facial expression on camera, that is the sexy, seductive look that is supposed to entice the clients to pick us. :)

Amber Chia Academy Photography

Lining up in front of the camera

I wish I could say that it’s just a piece of cake to get one look right, but it’s not. Everyone has different facial features and flaws, so each of us will have our own ‘good’ angle. And to find that good angle, we need to experiment, experiment and experiment! It’s really quite tiring! The basic steps to remember is to work with the eyes and the lips. As Amber says, the eyes and lips can tell a story, so work with them!

Amber Chia Academy Photography

Stephy with her sexy look

It was really funny going around and seeing my classmates making their sexy faces to my camera! Do you think they nailed it? :P

Amber Chia Academy Photography

Ai Lin & Rebecca with their sexy pose

Before you continue reading, may I just ask you all NOT to laugh? :P It was my first time doing such a pose and I think I ended up looking funny than sexy. Still, cut me some slack! Practice makes perfect right? ;)

Amber Chia Academy Photography

Practicing in front of the camera

Amber Chia Academy Photography

Allison with her pose

I believe my weakness was controlling my eyes to be more soft and sultry. Sometimes in the process of ‘softening’ the look of my eyes, my vision became blur and muscles started twitching. LOL!

Amber Chia Academy Photography

The girls practicing

This was how I looked like attempting the sexy look. Do you think the client will want to hire me if they see this look on my profile? :P

Amber Chia Academy Photography

Attempting the sexy look

Even though the talk was short, it was very informative. We could see Amber transforming her face into various expressions within seconds – sexy, sad, surprised, happy, angry – you name it, she can do it. To learn all her other expressions would require a whole standalone course on itself! Which is why she is starting a 6-week course called Modeling Advanced Photo & Video that is taught all by herself just on how to pose. Definitely a course to take for anyone who wants to venture into print ad.

Amber Chia Academy Photography

with the principal of Amber Chia Academy

Next class: Public speaking and communication skills by Cassandra Patrick. Stay tuned!

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